Firestorm: Shockwave (reprint)

by The Dragons Trove

The Dragons Trove

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Tags: Shopify Collective The Dragons Trove

Firestorm: Shockwave (reprint)

2022: The end of the world-Part 2

You knew it had to happen: the Big Boys on the Corporate Block, ARASAKA and MILITECH, have puled off the gloves in a no-holds-barred slugfest for control of the the arms market...and the planet.

Now, as brutal battles turn cities around the globe into rubble, Edgerunners everywhere are being fed into the meatgrinder of full-on corporate war. No "covert, low-intensity, cover-your-tracks" type of operations here-no, we're talkin' howling down the street, guns blazing as enemy fire rips up the pavement missions using state-of-the-art tools of mass destruction.

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