Double Team: Interface VS Junk

by Misfit Studios

Misfit Studios



Tags: Modern Monsters/Enemies Mutants & Masterminds Sci-Fi Super-Hero

Double Team: Interface VS Junk

Double Team: Interface VS Junk Brings Helps Salvage Your Game

Double Team: Interface VS Junk provides two characters for your Super-Powered by Mutants & Masterminds games: Interface, the software-become-robot that believes the best way to help humanity and save it from itself is to rule it, and Junk, a scrapyard owner who fights crime in his homemade suit made of salvaged parts.

Interface was originally intended to help humanity by studying it in order to learn ways to reduce crime. But when an attempt to steal the artificial intelligence goes awry, the software becomes corrupt and bent on ruling humanity in order to save it. To do so, it has built itself a powerful robotic body that can take over and control other machines.

Junk is a scrapyard owner who actively participates in his community. So, when a bunch of local kids are gunned down during the course of a crime, he takes matters into his own hands. Using his homemade Scrapsuit, a piecemeal suit of armor, Junk now stalks the city streets fighting crime.

Licensing for Double Team: Interface VS Junk

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

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