D&D: Three-Dragon Ante - Giants War

by Little Shop of Magic

Little Shop of Magic

Availability: 2 in stock


Tags: D&D D&D 5e Little Shop of Magic Shopify Collective

D&D: Three-Dragon Ante - Giants War

Long ago, dragons and giants fought a thousand-year war...

...and the human survivors commemorated the battles by adding the giants to their high stakes card game of luck and skill, THREE-DRAGON ANTE!

With over 100 new cards THREE-DRAGON ANTE: Giants War adds a whole new way to play the classic Dungeons & Dragons® standalone card game! You’ll mix in new Giant suits, while you split the stakes in two: the Dragon Stakes and the Giants Stakes. Players fight for the stakes where their flight is strongest, giving you new routes to victory!

There is also a new way to find Legendary Dragons and the new Giant Gods. New powers let players draw powerful cards from the Legendary deck!

This expansion requires Three-Dragon Ante: Legendary Edition to play!