Absolute Power: Book One - System

by Little Shop of Magic


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Absolute Power: Book One - System

The Silver Age has come and gone. Superpowers now bring fear as often as comfort and shades of gray cast the world in shadow, muting the shining colors of yesteryear. Villains have become stronger, and their influence is felt in every nation. The need for heroes is greater than ever. Can you balance superhuman gifts with humility, compassion, and hope? Do you have what it takes to resist the ever-present lure of Absolute Power?

Welcome to the Absolute Power superhero role-playing game – the second edition of 2002’s Silver Age Sentinels RPG.

This gorgeous volume is a hefty 336 full-color pages printed on premium glossy stock, with dozens of stunning and evocative illustrations and contains everything you need to create characters across the entire spectrum of superhero power levels, from novice teen wonders to street-level vigilantes to world-renowned metahuman leaders to cosmic godlike entities. The intuitive and easy-to-learn full Tri-Stat System game engine follows character creation.