Way of the Wicked Free Preview: Prison Break!

by Fire Mountain Games

Fire Mountain Games



Tags: adventure campaign setting evil fantasy free Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Way of the Wicked Free Preview: Prison Break!

Way of the Wicked Free Preview: Prison Break!


A free 32-page preview of the ""Way of the Wicked"" adventure path compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!

You've done terrible things, wicked things, and now you must pay for your crimes...

...unless, you make a prison break!

You have three days to avoid justice. You have three days to escape and make your own fate. You have three days to start your journey along the way of the wicked.

""Way of the Wicked"" an adventure path of twenty levels of irredeemable villainy by Gary McBride and Mike Clarke

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