Veranthea Codes: Radical Pantheon

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: Fantasy GM Tools Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition SRD Enhanced

Veranthea Codes: Radical Pantheon


Even before the Primal Gods' epic battle over Grethadnis and the Scarring that both marred the Fair Continent with wild magic while shattering the distant peak of Mount Nestraka on Urethiel, the gods of Veranthea have played a vital role in the development of the world. Discover the power and prestige the deities have to offer in Veranthea Codex: Radical Pantheon! Within this tome are the histories, practices, rites, and rituals of the 18 major gods, a dozen demigods, and a host of powerful items and spells known only to the faithful. Tapping into divine power is no longer the purvey of only the most devout—now any worshiping adventurer can wield some of the gods’ holy (or unholy) power to pen their own destiny on Veranthea!

Inside of this supplement for the Veranthea Codex you’ll find:

  • Information on the holy texts, churches, clergy, holidays, temples, sayings, doings, and homes of the gods of Veranthea!
  • The aspect of Death and details on the Dead Empire that lay waiting beneath Urethiel!
  • 18 new magic items, 18 new spells, 4 new feats, and 6 new religious character traits!
  • Four class archetypes: the divine drunkard (brawler), holy innovator (gunslinger), merchanteer (paladin), and Tian-Ti Ang Agent (bard)!
  • 18 new heralds of the gods of Veranthea (CR 15 outsiders with 18 hit dice) as well as a handful of divine servants for every deity!
  • 9 demigod statblocks of liches (both alien and half-dragon), rogue robots, the shattered Dragon Mind personified, and more for high level and epic encounters! Hyperlinks! Veranthea Codex: Radical Pantheon is fully optimized with link compatibility to the online rules references to make it an easy-to-use product for GMs that like to game on the fly!
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