Islands of Plunder: Treasury of the Fleet
Islands of Plunder: Treasury of the Fleet

A collection of over 30 magic items both nautical and piratical!
The Treasury of the Fleet collects an assortment of lavish loot for your pirate PCs to plunder! Ideally suited to any campaign involving sailors on the seven seas, this collection includes a broad array of item types, from low-cost consumables to mighty treasures worthy of a pirate lord! These items include:
- Armor and Shields: bullet buckler*, cannonball breastplate*, sharkskin suit
- Weapons: captain's cutlass, golden gun*, hateful hook, hurricane harpoon, shanty shiv, sharpshooter's carabine*, spiral saker*, wavebreaker (crossbow), whispering wheellock*, as well as the chaining, skimming, stormshaft, and tracer weapon properties
- Rods: pirate brand, rod of the ebb tide
- Wondrous Items for you: admiralty parade kit, castaway's flare, earring of farseeing, eyepatch of adjustment, gloves of certain grip, gullwing cape, lookout's eyeblack, mutable hook, roperunner sandals, sea lord's tricorne, shadow sextant, treacherous hook
- Wondrous Items for your ship! ensign of parley, raven's perch figurehead, sails of extinguishing
Plus the legendary artifact known as the Pirate Queen's pearl!
Since many pirate campaigns feature gunpowder and cannon, a handful of the items in this product (marked above with an asterisk) incorporate the rules for firearms and gunpowder siege weapons in Pathfinder, but the vast majority of items are perfect for any kind of campaign at sea. Your PCs will love following the clues of their treasure map when X marks the spot they can find some of the fantastic delights you'll find within the Treasury of the Fleet! This 24-page product is the latest in the Pirate Adventure Path Plug-Ins line from Legendary Games. Like every product from Legendary Games, it is designed by many of the same authors that bring you the official Pathfinder rules you already use, as well as many of the authors that worked on the official Pathfinder pirate-themed AP (issues #55-60). We hope you will check out other products in our Pathfinder AP Plug-Ins line, including the Islands of Plunder series of adventures, and we hope that every product you buy from us helps Make Your Game Legendary!