Tome of Munitions
Tome of Munitions
If you liked the Gunslinger, you're going to love this!
"Cynthia Eastwind exploded through the doors of the saloon with her foes in hot pursuit. She wasn't sure what she'd done to make the duster-clad trio pull their revolvers on her and start firing, but she doubted her chances of finding out would be better with a bullet in her head. A pillar of stone erupted from the earth ahead of the elf who nearly fell from her horse in an effort to stop short of the obstruction. Out of options, Cynthia reached for the revolver loaded with alchemical cartridges at her hip and leveled it at the oncoming trio of gnolls..."
To some, the presence of firearms might clash with the swords and fireballs of a more traditional fantasy role-playing game. With the recent release of Pathfinder's Ultimate Combat, however we at Little Red Goblin Games have taken the opportunity to explore some of the possibilities such weapons present to a role-playing game. A wizard slapping ammunition into a gun covered with arcane sigils, the gunslinger riding off into the sunset with the corpse of a bullet-riddled dragon lying on the dusty ground, and a paladin in the middle of the street staring down the darkly-clad villain with fingers inches from his pistol as he awaits the inevitable shootout. This book seeks to bring such sights to the tabletop and provide gamers with awesome mental pictures!
This Arsenal Includes:
- 3 new alternate classes
- 2 new prestige classes
- New feats
- 16 new weapons
- 10 new magic items