Third Dawn Campaign Setting

by Dreamscarred Press

Dreamscarred Press



Tags: Campaign Setting d20/OGL fantasy Psionics True20

Third Dawn Campaign Setting

Enter a world of psionic power and mental might, where the thoughts of its citizens can become reality. Explore a world devastated millenia ago by a disaster brought about by magic, a magic that no longer exists. Discover a world without gods or clerics, without wizards or mages, a world that embraces the power of psionics and the art of the mind. Enter the Third Dawn Campaign Setting.

Learn about the history of the varied cultures of Ksaren, the world of the Third Dawn Campaign setting, in this over 100 page book detailing everything you need to start a campaign within the world of Third Dawn. Journey in a world where psionics is prominent and magic non-existent. Whether you are dueling to raise in rank of the Ophid Protectorate, or studying in the libraries of Alyria, or simply fighting for your life against the Hawk's Claw raiders, life in Ksaren holds a vast array of possibilities.

Included in the Third Dawn Campaign Setting, you will also find:

  • 12 playable races
  • A host of new feats, powers, skills, and items

Explore a world where psionics is part of everyday life, explore the fantastic made real, explore the Third Dawn Campaign Setting.

We welcome you to become a part of the Third Dawn Campaign Setting.

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