The Ultimate Gladiator

by Total Party Kill Games

Total Party Kill Games



Tags: archetypes Class Options classes enhanced fantasy Feats Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Player Aids Traits

The Ultimate Gladiator

The Ultimate Gladiator

The gladiator alternate fighter class is a robust expansion upon the gladiator archetype in standard fantasy. Television series such as Spartacus have vividly inspired us and we are pleased to present 'The Ultimate Gladiator.'

Total Party Kill Games' Ultimate Gladiator is an excellent adaptation, blending the exceptional Pathfinder system to a fantastic concept. We've utilized the "Talented" class framework to create a gladiator that is incredibly flexible and has the abilities to back up the strength of the concept.

Our gladiator is not only a killer in the arena, but a viable character when allowed to adventure, providing valuable inspiration to his allies as he performs his feats of bravado and dash. While powerful, the gladiator is mostly limited in scope to melee combat and not well armored, preferring light armor and great mobility over heavier armors. This grants him great reflexes and their incessant combat practice allows them to take wounds that would cripple a normal hero and still keep on fighting.

Within are multitudes of talents, feats, combat styles, traits, and even archetypes. Play the role of an insightful Andabata (Blind Helm Fighter), a ferocious Bestiarus (Beast Master), an acrobatic Blade Dancer, the charismatic Champion, the reviled Criminal, the massive Gigante (Giant), the alluring Gladiatrix, the unstoppable Immortal, the unflinching Ironbound, the wealthy Noble Gladiator, the deadly ranged Sagittarius, the rage-filled Barbaric Slave gladiator, and the fearsome Venator (Beast Slayer).

Use 'The Ultimate Gladiator' to bring an exciting new warrior class into your games. Build a gladiator campaign around the multitudes of different gladiators you can build with this sourcebook. Or play a free gladiator that inspires his adventuring allies with his panache and bravado in your existing campaign.

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