The Mind Unveiled: Prestige Classes

by Dreamscarred Press

Dreamscarred Press



Tags: d20/OGL fantasy Prestige Classes Psionics

The Mind Unveiled: Prestige Classes

The paths of the mind are many and varied. Whether it is learning the ability of the mind to control the body, or of tapping into the awesome power of the Qael, lords of the Dreamscape, prestige classes give a variety of options for characters to specialize their abilities.

Choose the prestige class that really fits your character with over 20 pages of new material found in The Mind Unveiled: Prestige Classes, which details 7 brand new prestige classes, offering a variety of new abilities and options! For those of a more cerebral nature, the metalink offers the ability to fuse a group into a well-coordinated team, including support for the society mind base class, while for those of a more militant perspective, the feral enhances the character's physical form, with a variety of other options included!

The Mind Unveiled: Prestige Classes is written by Andreas Rönnqvist, whose other works include The Mind Unveiled: Morphean, High Psionics: Psicrystals Expanded, and High Psionics: Sequestral Feats, and has artwork by Rick Hershey and V. Shane.

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