The Lady Afterwards

by Weather Factory

Weather Factory



Tags: horror magic magic items skills traits

The Lady Afterwards

"You’ve been summoned to Alexandria, a city of coloured lights and curious histories. An old friend needs you to track down a woman. She’s probably in trouble. Probably trouble herself. Plus ça change.
Mirrors glitter at the Cecil, Berbers whisper in the El Bab Cafe, and statues keep their secrets in the cold depths of the bay. Something’s in motion, from the Arab Quarter to the Rue des Soeurs. Somewhere, the Serapeum stirs. The Hours have taken an interest.
Cherchez la femme, the saying goes. But what does the lady look for?"

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The Lady Afterwards is a non-linear, combat-light, story-centric tabletop RPG for 2-8 players inspired by classics like Chaosium's Horror on the Orient Express and based on the lore of award-winning indie video game Cultist Simulator. It's an occult Egyptian 1920s noir with a very 2020s sensibility.

It's set in the world of the Secret Histories, where hidden gods watch over a Lovecraftian world of apocalypse and yearning. It's been designed to offer an accessible experience to people who've hesitated to played TRPGs before, but to offer plenty of meat to tabletop aficionados too.

The Lady Afterwards includes...

The Lady Afterwards Game Runner's Guide
A ~50 page TRPG scenario set in 1920s Alexandria

The Secret Histories Rulebook
A ~30 page primer explaining the mechanics and perils of the game

18 artefacts
Clues to help players unravel the plot, including telegrams, lovers' notes, photographs and more

8 customisable character sheets
With personalised questionnaires and connections

A Game Runner's Journal
To keep track of players, game-states and evidence uncovered

Map of Alexandria
A full-colour A3 map of the Bride of the Mediterranean, with real 1920s photographs

A custom-built mood-music playlist of 1920s songs

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