The Brawler (d20)

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: 3rd Edition/3e Classes d20/OGL

The Brawler (d20)

The Brawler is a 20-level core class for the OGL game system. First published back in 2001 for the original version of the d20/OGL system, this classic hero is now updated for the 3.5 OGL rule set. This file includes a full color, hyperlinked onscreen version as well as a black and white version designed to be merciful on your printer.

Have you had the urge to club someone to death with a Halfling? Would you like to twist your enemies into agonizing submission holds and not let them go? Have you ever wanted to kick some butt with your bare hands, but you didn’t want to spend all that time meditating and praying, like a monk?

The Brawler is here to make all those dreams come true for you and your friends. Add the Brawler to your next game and enjoy handing out endless barehanded beat downs!

“From the swaying decks of seafaring ships to the wild boomtowns on the frontier, there are those who thrive on bare-knuckled melee. Brawlers sometimes work as bouncers or brute laborers but more often they can be found working as prizefighters, bodyguards or even circus acts. They excel at unarmed combat, foregoing weapons in favor of wrestling maneuvers. Although brawlers lack the intense formal training of other unarmed warriors, they make up for it with their sheer physical power.

Brawlers are bare-knuckled, two-fisted brutes who stomp on people for a living. Although their combat bonuses are as good as fighters and barbarians, they lack skill with many weapons and armor. Instead, they fight with their fists, somewhat like monks. But unlike monks, their abilities stem from brute toughness and physical resilience, not meditation and discipline. Therefore brawlers gain few supernatural abilities.”

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