The Amazon

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: Classes Fantasy Pathfinder 1e

The Amazon

The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…

A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Amazons vs Valkyries: The Amazon

Pages: 20
Game System: Pathfinder/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)

Within this file:

  • The Banneret prestige class featuring the battle mastery special ability.
  • The Amazon advanced class featuring the expert tactician and bloodlust abilities.
  • Spell List for the Banneret

The history, culture, and social structure of the Amazon society is briefly outlined in this supplement along with details on a typical Amazon warrior's role as a member of an adventuring group.

While anyone living in the Amazon nation is technically an Amazon, this supplement details the rules for the elite Amazon warriors, sometimes known as True Amazons, or Amazon Champions. These warrior women are light, fast fighters with wilderness skills and a deep affinity for war.

To become a True Amazon, a character must first become a banneret and serve in the Amazon army as a sergeant, lieutenant, commander, or special operative. She must also carry the Hippolyta bloodline.

Bannerets and Amazons have an alignment restriction and a code of conduct which they must follow. Being the daughters of War and followers of Nature, they are often chaotic.

Pick up this supplement today and discover a whole new world of hyper-violence and debauchery; a high-magic, mythological world of Romans and Persians, Egyptians and Greeks where two legendary warrior cults are locked in an epic, endless clash of total war!

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