Super Powered Legends: Henchmen for Hire

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: Modern Monsters/Enemies Mutants & Masterminds Super-Hero

Super Powered Legends: Henchmen for Hire

If the Money's There, We Don't Care

Some villains don’t seek to rule the world or to become the arch-nemesis of anyone. They’re just looking to put food on their table, or, at the very least, make enough cash to life a comfortable life. So they hire themselves out as criminal mercenaries to the wealthy or a more powerful super villain for top dollars. These kinds of jobs are referred to as “henching” in super-powered circles.

Super Powered Legends. Because sometimes what you need is a character everyone will recognize, even if they’ve never met her.

Written and illustrated by Jacob Blackmon. Super Powered by M&M.

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