Super Powered Legends: Gan the Astral Knight
Super Powered Legends: Gan the Astral Knight
Super Powered Legends: Gan the Astral Knight
For the Forge!

For thousands of years the noble Astral Knights stood guard against the Manes, a race of starfaring shapeshifters bent on conquest of the galaxy. Eventually the Manes created the Dreadnaught, a living construct of magic and technology that destroyed the Astral Knights and their homeworld of Tolemac. But a single knight, Gan, called upon his people's Astral Forge for the power to stop the Manes. He was transformed into a living suit of armor, the Astral Forge granting him the power he needed only so long as he used it solely for good and to serve the free peoples of the galaxy. Gan defeated and destroyed the Dreadnaught, but thousands of Manes escaped the vessel and fled Gan's justice. Now, armed with his translator, Astral Gate, and Dimensional Nullifier, Gan seeks to hunt down and defeat the remaining Manes, and protect freedom throughout the galaxy!
Written and illustrated by Jacob Blackmon, and Super Powered by M&M!