Strange Magic Items - Ethermagic

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: Fantasy Magic Items Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Treasure

Strange Magic Items - Ethermagic

Strange Magic Items - Ethermagic

To get full use out of this product, Strange Magic or Ultimate Ethermagic is required.

The Strange Magic Items series splits a full codex of magic items into the three subsystems laid out in Strange Magic: ethermagic, truename magic, and musical composition. Each of these thirds has its own unique flavor, both in fluff and in terms of mechanics, and such compartmentalization allows those who only bought some of the constituent thirds of Strange Magic to pick up whatever new content interests them.

It can be rather unsettling to learn that our infinite universe is but one of many, a miniscule dot on the roadmap of creation. These universes follow vastly different laws of physics and are prone to annihilating each other if they should ever touch. Though these events do happen, they are quite rare thanks to a weightless and almost completely elastic extrauniversal fluid known as the ether.

There are some puny and insignificant organic creatures who find themselves attuned to this background noise of the multiverse, this infinite source of energy that surrounds them and suffuses the void beyond the edge of everything. Finding they have the ability to communicate with the extrauniversal fluid and to draw from its raw, shapeless energy to do as they will, these ethermancers tend to fall into two camps. Some believe that the universe chose them to carry its greatest gift and use it to protect this tiny speck of creation. Others feel it is a perfect excuse to lord it over everyone. Given humanoid nature, the latter tends to be far more common.

Product Features

  • Rules for etherstaves, which expand an ethermage's manifestation selection
  • 11 premade etherstaves
  • 4 magical rings
  • 10 armor/weapon/shield special abilities
  • 4 specific magic firearms
  • A single wondrous item with thirteen variants that can be mixed and matched to customize void blades in hundreds of different ways
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