Spheres of Power: Expanded Options
Spheres of Power: Expanded Options
Spheres of Power: Expanded Options
Spheres of Power: Expanded Options is the first supplemental product in the Spheres of Power line, giving players and GMs even more toys to play with for the Spheres magic system.
Inside this 29-page supplement, you'll find:
- Favored Class Options for all Spheres of Power classes for both the core and several expanded races!
- Conversion Archetypes for all non-alchemy casting classes from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide and Advanced Class Guide!
- Multiple archetypes for All Spheres of Power Classes, including the Lichling (soul weaver), the Warlock (incanter), the hypnotist (eliciter), the Geomancer (elementalist), and more!