R.I.G.S. Results Volume 1

by Ennead Games

Ennead Games



Tags: Any system Fantasy GM Tools Magic Items

R.I.G.S. Results Volume 1

R.I.G.S. Results Volume 1

R.I.G.S. Results Volume 1

What is R.I.G.S.?

A while ago I created a generator for myself and my games that output randomized magic items. The idea behind it was to create a system that could output a couple of words or more that would suggest an item name or concept. The challenge then becomes to take this randomly created item concept and make something that can be used in various games and stories.

I called this system the Random Item Generation System (R.I.G.S.), hence the title -R.I.G.S. Results.

Each item has 6 aspects. All but the last aspect, details, has been randomly created using R.I.G.S.. These are not set in stone and if it feels better to change something one way, such as the activation method, then feel free to change it.

System generic, these items are designed with a fantasy or medieval setting in mind, but a few of them could be used as-is in a sci-fi or modern or even horror setting with only a minor amount of tweaking.

The item you'll find in this volume :-

  • Bandage of Duty - Heal others, but become duty bound to continue
  • Brand of Autumn - Use it to mark and guide animals or other people
  • Lager of Regeneration - This lager can make you regenerate if you drink enough
  • Libram of Shadow - A collection of spells and notes about the nature of Shadows
  • Medal of Corruption - Give this to your enemies and watch them fall from grace
  • Necromancy Octahedron - A large item designed by a necromancer to boost her power
  • Orzsottya Atzonervar's Stout of the Barkeep - Need some liquid inspiration?
  • Staff of Hearing - Those who weild this staff gain a boost to their hearing
  • Sun Match - This small yet powerful artifact is a boon to those who stalk the undead
  • Treachery Quiver - The arrows of your foes are now yours
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