Rifts RPG: Black Market Sourcebook

by Little Shop of Magic


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Rifts RPG: Black Market Sourcebook

The Black Market is the most prevalent trader in weapons, magic items, drugs, and contraband outlawed by the Coalition. Explore the day to day business of the North American Black Market along with its smuggling routes, practices, policies and notable nefarious products and services. Learn about the five major Black Market factions in North America and foreign groups like the Yakuza, Green Scarf Sect and the Underground Railroads of Atlantis and the Vampire Kingdoms.

  • Many Black Market O.C.C.s.
  • The Five Black Market factions that wield the greatest power in North America: Bandito Arms, The Chicago Network, The Immaterial Hand, El Oculta, and Le Marche Noir.
  • Black Market internal operations and security.
  • Black Market services, products, practices and customers.
  • More equipment from Bandito Arms and specialized smuggling gear.
  • A wide range of Big Bore weapons and other merc weapons.
  • Black Market criminal assignments, jobs and mercenary bounties.
  • Major Black Market smuggling corridors and routes through Coalition territory.
  • Smuggling methods, both magical and conventional.
  • Traveling Shows: Freak Shows, Medicine Shows and Circuses.
  • Traveling Shows as fronts for the Black Market.
  • Traveling Black Market Merchants, Market Towns and Market Outlets.
  • How the Coalition States deals with organized crime, and information on the Coalition prison system and border security.
  • Expanded page count - 192 pages
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