Remedial Tinkering: Happy Little Automatons

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: best of Magic Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Tinker

Remedial Tinkering: Happy Little Automatons

Remedial Tinkering: Happy Little Automatons

It's a happy little expansion, and it's sold right here.

Lowbie tinkers, this one's for you! The Remedial Tinkering line represents a dramatic shift in the way tinker expansions are designed and delivered. Rather than focusing on long-term class goals, Remedial Tinkering presents new subsystems that are viable right out of the gate at level 1 and only get better with more investment at the later levels.

Happy Little Automatons introduces the [Paint] invention subtype. Unlike most inventions, paint is fairly easy to apply; while it can be quite difficult to add, say, a lightning gun to an automaton after it has already been turned on, a slathering of red paint (which, of course, makes it go faster) is as easy as upending a bucket. As a result, those who invest in [Paint] will find that this new subtype is incredibly malleable and allows for the quick swapping of minor bonuses whenever and wherever, with some fancy inventions that consume coats of paint for larger, albeit temporary bonuses. Combo play, artistic hauteur, and somehow making lightning bolts using paint for fuel is the name of the game with Happy Little Automatons.

Product Features

  • An invention subtypes cheat sheet for those who don't have all the tinker expansions
  • 6 new tinker innovations
  • 1 new tinker greater innovation (Happy Little Accidents)
  • 21 new tinker inventions, 8 of which can be taken at 1st level
  • An FAQ section clarifying the interrelationships between paint inventions and the grafter prestige class
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