Remedial Tinkering - Arcanotech

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: Fantasy Feats Magic Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Tinker

Remedial Tinkering - Arcanotech

Remedial Tinkering - Arcanotech

"Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."

Lowbie tinkers, the fun keeps coming! The Remedial Tinkering line represents a dramatic shift in the way tinker expansions are designed and delivered. Rather than focusing on long-term class goals, Remedial Tinkering presents new subsystems that are viable right out of the gate at level 1 and only get better with more investment at the later levels.

Arcanotech introduces the [Arcanotech] invention subtype. Since magic and machines don't mix very well, there's a strict limit of one such invention per automaton, and the effects range from the practical to the nonsensical. As a result, those who invent in [Arcanotech] will find themselves using automatons to deliver an ally wizard's touch spells, brewing potions out of magic hanging in the air, and unleashing the dread TOASTER OF TERROR! Or maybe they just want to ignore some damage reduction. Boring tinkers are also welcome.

Product Features

  • An invention subtypes cheat sheet for those who don't have all the tinker expansions
  • 4 new tinker innovations
  • 3 new tinker greater innovations (including one that turns the alpha into a bonafide level 3 wizard!)
  • 24 new inventions, 10 of which can be used by 4th level
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