Relic Files: Treasures of Camelot I

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: enhanced fantasy Magic Items Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Treasure

Relic Files: Treasures of Camelot I

Drawing on the rules presented in the Genius Guide to Relics of the Godlings I and II, the Relic Files bring new magic items to your game table. Drawing on historical myth and traditional fantasy tropes, each Relic Files PDF presents a new relic suitable for use in most fantasy campaigns.

Merlin looked hard at Arthur. 'Those are precious gifts! Do not treat them lightly, particularly the scabbard.' The King looked perplexed. 'The scabbard, Merlin? It is fine, but surely you don't suggest that it is superior to Excalibur?'

Merlin snorted. 'Of course that is what I meant, foolish boy. That scabbard is worth tenfold that of your precious sword ... Keep that scabbard safe and it will keep you hale in turn."

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