Of Stranger Bonds Extra - Feats

by Alessandro Passera

Alessandro Passera



Tags: Fantasy Feats Pathfinder 1e

Of Stranger Bonds Extra - Feats

This book is a compendium of over 200 feats that are developed to give more options when creating characters using the material from Of Stranger Bonds. Despite this, some of these feats can be utilized without having the main book.

Of Stranger Bonds is a a class compendium, for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rule system, that includes 50 new base character classes, that can be found here: https://www.opengamingstore.com/products/of-stranger-bonds

This book includes several types of feats:

  • Racial feats: feats specific for each of the 50 classes presented in Of Stranger Bonds
  • Order feats: feats available for any member of each of the 7 Orders in which the classes/races combinations of Of Stranger Bonds are organized
  • Role feats: feats available for any member of each of the 7 Roles in which the classes/races combination of Of Stranger Bonds are organized, which can be used also by regular classes
  • Devotion feats: designed to tap into the power of faith also for characters that are not divine spellcasters. These feats are designed on the pantheon presented in Of Stranger Bonds, but can work also with other deities that have similar characteristics
  • Monster feats: that can be used by any creature of Large (or larger) size
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