Numenera RPG: Weird Discoveries

by The Dragons Trove

The Dragons Trove


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Numenera RPG: Weird Discoveries

With Weird Discoveries, legendary RPG designer Monte Cook turns his eye to the venerable adventure, a format that hasn't seen much innovation in four decades, to create something new that makes this all possible. Weird Discoveries makes prepping for an RPG no more difficult or time consuming than setting up a board game, while showcasing the wonder, mystery, and awe of the Ninth World.These aren't adventure seeds or sketchy ideas they're complete adventures in an innovative format that requires minimal prep. Run them as one-shots, or drop them into your ongoing campaign when you don't have time to prep your own adventures. You can even string them together as a campaign for months of effortless play!Weird Discoveries includes:* Ten weird and wondrous adventures, with maps, NPCs, and all the details you expect.* A whole new format for adventures that addresses the needs of GMs who don't have time to read the whole thing before sitting down to play.* A Ninth World serial killer hunt, technological ruins to explore, machines rewriting organic life, ancient mysteries, and much, much more.* Great advice on running adventures with little or no prep.* Twenty beautiful, full-color Show 'Em illustrations, to reveal to players during the adventures.* Six pregenerated, illustrated characters, ready to play.* A rules cheat sheet to make things run even more smoothly.