New Beginnings: Alternate Character Creation Methods

by Necromancers of the Northwest

Necromancers of the Northwest



Tags: Cards fantasy GM Tools Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Player Aids tarot

New Beginnings: Alternate Character Creation Methods

Start Your Campaign Off Right!

Character creation is the very foundation of the game, not just because it's the very first thing you do when you sit down to play, but also because the way that you make your character also helps to set the tone for the entire game. You're probably familiar with the long (and passionate) debates that can arise between die-rolling and point-buy methods of character creation, and odds are, you've tried both. But this book is here to show you that those are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to crafting a character.

New Beginnings: Alternate Character Creation Methods presents three new and radical methods of character creation, as well as five additional 'mini' methods of character creation. Each of these methods is designed to facilitate different styles of play, and allows you to start your campaign off on the right note.

Career character creation allows you to begin playing right away, by allowing you to play out (in broad brushstrokes) your character's life before the beginning of the campaign. The choices you make and the results of your rolls determine not just your character's ability scores, but also his starting weapon proficiencies and class skills. Not only does this method provide you with a creative starting point for your character's background and personality, but it also provides the opportunity to create characters that wouldn't ordinarily be possible, such as a sorcerer with Diplomacy as a class skill, or a rogue who is proficient with greataxes.

Prototype character creation is designed for those who want a quick start to the game. You choose from a list of pre-existing prototypes, which determine your starting class and ability scores, and also influence your starting skills and feats. While the main benefit to this method is speed, it also provides you with one or two unique special abilities based on the prototype you choose.

Tarot character creation disguises ability score generation within a tarot card reading, distributing ability score points based on the draw of the cards, and providing you with some strong and flavorful suggestions about your character's past and personality.

Five additional dice-based character creation methods, which tweak existing character creation methods and turn them more into mini-games, which challenge you to create the best character you can.

Whatever your play style, there's a character creation method here that's intended for you. Start your next character off right, with an innovative new approach to character creation.

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