Nature's Wrath (d20)

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: 3rd Edition/3e d20/OGL diseases GM Tools Poisons

Nature's Wrath (d20)

System: d20
Genre: Any
Interior Illustrations:
Page Count: 73

This 2005 edition of Nature's Wrath includes all the great material that first appeared in the original version and also features new guidelines for handling substance dependency and addiction, which may arise from consuming certain toxic plants. This new edition also features several new illustrations, hyperlinks, and a full color layout.

Nature's Wrath features rules for dozens of naturally occurring poisons and diseases from our own world. You don't need devil chills when you've got Rabies, Anthrax, and Tuberculosis. Who cares about burnt othur fumes when you've got Nightshade, Bleeding Hearts, and Neurotoxin? Nature's Wrathillustrates the fact that there is nothing people can dream up that is more horrendous and debilitating than the diseases and poisons of the real world.

Chapter 1 covers over 40 poisonous plants such as foxgloves, Hemlock, and White Snakeroot. It also includes rules for microbial poisons such as those found in mussels and some shellfish. This chapter also features an encounter table detailing the terrain type for each plant. Another table showing the difficulty to identify the poisonous plants and listing what they are commonly misidentified as, is also included. Each of the poison descriptions details the plant's habitat and any special rules regarding it, such as certain animals that are especially vulnerable or genetic defects that can be caused by the poison.

Chapter 2 of Nature's Wrath covers over 40 real diseases such as Rabies, Cholera, Herpes, and Tuberculosis. Rules for Syphilis, Anthrax and Gonorrhea are listed alongside descriptions of Leprosy, Polio, and Dengue Fever. Enhance your game with Typhoid Fever and Botulism. Read about the horrors of Pneumonic Plague or discover how easy it is to afflict heroes with Tetanus. An encounter table showing frequency, transmission, and terrain type for each disease is also presented in this chapter.

Each description of a poison or disease includes a list of the common symptoms associated with it, such as vomiting, weakness, chills, or coma, just to name a few. These can be used merely as role playing descriptors, or they can used with the information in Chapter 3 to quantifiably increase the characters' suffering.

Chapter 3 features more than 60 new conditions that can dramatically increase a character's suffering. Rules for vomiting, hallucinations, liver dysfunction, facial palsy, coughing, and dozens of other debilitating conditions are included in this chapter. How well will your heroes fight when they are suffering from blurred vision, joint pain, and spasms?

With this supplement, you can torment your characters with unprecedented agony. After accidentally eating a deadly toadstool, stirring up some Anthrax spores, and unwittingly inhaling rabies, your players will realize Mother Nature is the most dreadful monster of all!

This supplement comes in two formats. The onscreen version fully embraces the advantages of electronic publishing and features plenty of color, artwork, internal and external hyper-links, and other features to facilitate onscreen viewing. A printable version of these rules is also included in the download. The printable version has no artwork or fancy layout design. It is raw text in 12 point font, designed to be merciful on your ink cartridge.

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