Mythic Monsters 37: Robots
Mythic Monsters 37: Robots
Mythic Monsters 37: Robots

Rise of the Machines!
Mythic Monsters: Robots brings you an incredible assortment of mechanical marvels and menaces for expanding campaigns where science fiction meets fantasy. These are no ordinary magical constructs like golems and animated objects, but sophisticated and sometimes sinister sentinels of super-science, programmed to make blast your heroes back to the dark ages! These incredible creations of advanced or alien technology range from CR 1 to 20, including warbots like the awesome annihilator, the grunt soldier gearsman, the flying myrmidon, and the indomitable warden. It also includes robots purpose-built for a variety of tasks, like the flitting collector and the hulking terraformer, from lone spies and servants like the arachnid robot to hordes of infiltrators like the observer swarm. Not all robots are simply mindless servants, of course, as terrifying torturers and genius directors take the lead where other robots follow, and robots even come to a semblance of life in the form of androids. As if a dozen existing monsters were not enough, the brand-new cyberphrenic tadpole is a chillingly insidious robot of small size but great potency in corrupting the mind and will of the living who seek to resist the will of their incipient robot overlords. In addition, you can customize the robots you throw at your players with an array of robotic implants utilizing the technology rules for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, whether your heroes are arming their own robot legions or facing the forces of fearsome technomancers!
The Mythic Monsters series from Legendary Games brings you dynamic and exciting mechanics alongside evocative and cinematic new abilities that really help creatures live up to their flavor text, whether they are creatures of real-world myth and legend or creatures born out of the RPG tradition itself. These creatures can work just as well in a non-mythic campaign as they do in one that incorporates the full mythic rules, as you can throw them at your jaded players who think they’ve seen it all or know the standard monster stats as well as you do. That look of surprise and “What was THAT?” will warm any GM’s heart.
This all-new 32-page supplement by Alex Riggs, Russ Taylor, and Jason Nelson is a terrific complement to the Mythic Monster Manual, with over 220 mythic monsters and an awesome array of monster-focused abilities, feats, and more for your Pathfinder game! Pick up both books today and Make Your Game Legendary!