Mythic Mastery - Mythic Items of the Orient

by Necromancers of the Northwest

Necromancers of the Northwest



Tags: fantasy Magic Items Mythic Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Mythic Mastery - Mythic Items of the Orient

Mythic Items Inspired By Eastern Legend!

Eastern mythology is at least as rich if not more so with legends of incredible magic items with legendary and unorthodox abilities. Whether they received their legendary status from contact with legendary owners, or were, themselves, instrumental in allowing the legends to be born, the legends of the east are full of mysterious and exotic magic items.

Mythic Mastery: Mythic Items of the Orient captures some of the feel of these unusual items, and provides players and GMs alike with numerous magic item special abilities that have both a strong Eastern flavor, and take full advantage of the mythic rules presented in Mythic Adventures. Samurai stand armor allows its wearer to continue fighting even while suffering from lethal wounds, ensuring that even if he dies in battle, he will do so in the most honorable and heroic way possible. The six elemental oath abilities presented in the book (earth, fire, iron, sky, water, and wood) allow the wielders of weapons with those properties to draw power from the elements and balance them carefully, while the mind and body property creates harmony within the wielder, allowing his attacks to unleash his full potential. Further, unique items like the mirrored sword, whose blade is literally a mirror, and reflects terrible and deadly visages at ones foes, round out the collection of mythic magic items from the orient.

The Mythic Mastery series of products builds and expands on the rules for mythic characters introduced in Mythic Adventures. Each Mythic Mastery provides new content and rules for mythic games, with a focus on a single theme or area of play. While some of the content provided in Mythic Mastery products requires the use of mythic characters and a mythic adventure, others, such as those focused on exploring mythic monsters, can be used in games of every sort.

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