Mythic Mastery - Mythic Cloud and Storm Giants

by Necromancers of the Northwest

Necromancers of the Northwest



Tags: bestiary fantasy monsters Mythic Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Mythic Mastery - Mythic Cloud and Storm Giants

Titanic Rulers of the Skies!

Storm and cloud giants are the stuff of legends. Far more sophisticated than their brutish and earth-bound kin, these majestic giants are most at home far above the clouds, where they are rumored to live in giant castles and golden cities miraculously suspended in the air. As legendary as these sky titans are, however, there are a few among them that are even more masterful and impressive than the rest of their race. These are the mythic cloud and storm giants.

This book presents game statistics for mythic cloud giant and mythic storm giant, both of which have unique abilities never seen elsewhere. Mythic cloud giants (CR 14) can cause her foes to fly skyward when she strikes them, slamming them back down to the earth for extra damage. Further, she can transform clouds, causing them to become as solid and substantial as rock, and can summon clouds (including magical clouds, such as cloudkill) to nearby places. Not to be outdone, mythic storm giants (CR 17) can hurl thunderbolts at their foes, and wield blades made of pure lightning. As if that weren’t enough, their dominion over storms extends from the air to the sea, and they can create deadly whirlpools to swallow their foes.

The Mythic Mastery series of products builds and expands on the rules for mythic characters introduced in Mythic Adventures. Each Mythic Mastery provides new content and rules for mythic games, with a focus on a single theme or area of play. While some of the content provided in Mythic Mastery products requires the use of mythic characters and a mythic adventure, others, such as those focused on exploring mythic monsters, can be used in games of every sort.

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