Advanced Options: More Cavalier Orders

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: cavalier class options fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Advanced Options: More Cavalier Orders

The Advanced Players Guide introduced the cavalier as a new class: the mounted knight whose power comes as much from the conviction of his ideals, the oaths that he swears, and the challenges that he makes as it does from sheer force of arms. The cavalier class is flexible and customizable through the use of cavalier ordersa themed focus for the character built around the ideas of a chivalric order. The Advanced Players Guide presents six possible orders, each granting the cavalier a number of bonuses, class skills, and special abilities, as well as a number of edicts that the cavalier must follow.

The orders detailed in the Advanced Players Guide are interesting, well balanced, and cover some of the most common tropes in which a cavaliers player is likely to be interested. However, compared to the number of clerical domains or sorcerer bloodlines, six is a tiny sample of possible options for cavalier customization. To help expand this list Advanced Options: Cavaliers Orders presented six additional orders from which the cavalier could choose. Since more choice is almost always a good thing, Advanced Options: More Cavalier Orders presents even more new cavalier orders! Although these two books work well together, nothing in them overlaps, and players do not need the original Cavaliers Orders to use everything in More Cavalier Orders.

A GM who wants to add new cavalier orders to a campaign has numerous options. The easiest method is to assume that these orders have always existed. If the players and/or GM want more verisimilitude in the campaign world, perhaps these could represent brand new orders that have only recently come into prominence. Alternatively, these orders might have existed for quite some time, but were previously unknown to the PCs. Perhaps an order might have originated in a different part of the campaign world and has only recently become active in the PCs part of the world.

The seven new cavalier orders presented herein are as follows.

Order of the Bow: A cavalier who belongs to this order is dedicated to mastering the bow and mounted archery in particular. Cavaliers of this order see perfection in archery as an outward manifestation of inner perfection.

Order of the Citadel: Cavaliers who join the order of the citadel dedicate their lives to the ideals of teamwork, bravery, and valor in combat. Cavaliers of the citadel are often seen as the ultimate soldiers, willing to give and obey difficult orders and lay down their lives in the performance of their duty.

Order of the Raven: Grim enforcers of their lords safety and lawbound servants of that lords will, cavaliers of the order of the raven wrap themselves in dark colors to enhance their function as warnings to those who would oppose them. To members of this order, a harsh appearance and gruesome reputation are as effective as a sharp sword and swift lance charge.

Order of the Shroud: A cavalier who belongs to this mysterious order is dedicated to hunting down and destroying undead. Cavaliers of the shroud see life and death as a natural cycle, and undead are a vile and unnatural violation of that cycle. Although a few cavaliers of the shroud recognize that not all undead are evil, the majority see little distinction and are more than willing to destroy neutral and good undead along with the evil ones.

Order of the Trident: Cavaliers belonging to this order frequently come from aquatic races such as sea elves, tritons, merfolk, locathah, and sahuagin. Cavaliers of the trident are dedicated to the pursuit of various goals pertaining to the sea. However, like the sea, those goals can be wildly different and ever changing. Some cavaliers of the trident nobly dedicate themselves to protecting the creatures of the sea while others selfishly work to plunder and exploit the seas vast resources.

Order of the Unicorn: Cavaliers who belong to this order are staunch protectors of nature. The order is open only to females of exceptionally pure virtue. Cavaliers of the unicorn are great enemies of evil and particularly seek out those who harm animals or damage the local ecosystem unnecessarily. Order of the Wolf: This order is most often taken by the champions and legendary warriors of less civilized clans and tribes, especially orc and half-orcs. The order of the wolf cavalier is a fierce defender and supporter of the clan, working to further its best interests regardless of what others think of the cavaliers actions.

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