Monsters of the Otherverse: Life Tank

by Skortched Urf' Studios

Skortched Urf' Studios



Tags: bestiary campaign setting d20/OGL Modern monsters sci-fi Space

Monsters of the Otherverse: Life Tank

Search For: Life Tank Born: Clayton Allan Cassidy. July 15, 2028 Spokane, WA (Choicer held USA)

Died: January 22, 2061 (32 years old) Ogalada-Souix Reservation Land, South Dakota (Disputed USA)

Cause of Death: Ballistic/energy trauma from posthuman assault

Place of Burial: Corpse is studied at the Patriot Medical Center, Atlanta, GA (Fed-Gov USA.) Formal burial prohibited by APEX under Fedlaw 2062-45C.

Species: Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Modified circa summer 2060 into a Full Conversion Cyborg of unknown, extraterrestrial classification. Specifications classified by order of APEX under Fedlaw 2062-32A).

Known For: Anti-abortion terrorism

Known Relatives: Classified by order of APEX under Fedlaw 2062-32A.

Profession: welder with orbital engineering certification; professional soldier

- Excerpt from Wikipedia.Mesh, accessed January 2107.

So powerful and so psychopathically dangerous it took an entire Choicer armada to bring him down, the world is fortunate the antichoice madman named Clayton Cassidy only went into battle as Life Tank once. His rampage through the Unbowed Woman Health Center, at just after 1500 hours on January 22, 2061 sparked the Abortion War. His kill count that day was impressive in the most brutal way imaginable: ten superhumans, each powerful enough to slaughter entire armies, died at his hands. So did every ordinary human being within five miles of the clinic.

Life Tank was only slain by the direct intervention of Commander Roe Athene, and by the time she arrived on scene, Life Tank had already slaughtered more than 80% of her strike squad. It took the direct intervention of a goddess to kill Life Tank, and rightly so. His cybernetic body was engineered after the study of the living metal bio-cybernetics of another fallen stargoddess: the Lifer general Artemis.

He supposedly died at Ogalada-Souix, but in Otherverse America, dead monsters have a habit of never staying buried. When Artemis finally returns, as she promised with her dying breath, she may use her vast power and alien ultra-tech to resurrect the most infamous soldier of the Abortion War. Or perhaps Life Tank's cybernetic carcass, scavenged by the federal government and under study to this day at the massive laboratory complex Atlanta, GA has become, still smolders with a tiny ember of life. Or perhaps the human definition of death has as little meaning for whatever Clayton Cassidy's become as the human definition of mercy... .

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