Mega-Feats: New Paths to Victory

by Skortched Urf' Studios

Skortched Urf' Studios



Tags: d20/OGL fantasy feats

Mega-Feats: New Paths to Victory

Mega-Feats: New Paths to Victory

Chris Field, the author of many of our popular Dept. 7 Advanced class Updates, has written more than 120 Feats as part of the Mega Feats - New Paths to Victory collection.

Included in this fifty page PDF are:

  • 127 New Feats
  • 27 ForgeBlood Feats, allowing you to meld flesh and machine in a fantasy setting!
  • House Rules, Published at Last! A collection of House Rules and updates tweaking the D20 SRD for Chris Field's campaing setting Aldura.
  • A FREE copy of the OGL included with every purchase! ;-)

From the Author: Many of the feats presented here were initially designed for use in a homebrewed campaign world called Aldura. Aldura is a high tech action adventure, inspired heavily by 80s action cartoons, but the new feats presented here may be used in any high power, techno-fantasy campaign with little or no modification. Other rules are variant house rules I've used to good effect in my home campaigns, solving many problems and minor annoyances with the current D20 Fantasy SRD. The variant item creation feats would be a good fit for Ebberon adventurers, while high level fighters, druids, bards and barbarians will thrill to unique new abilities like Pocket Battlespace, Raging Colossus and Breeder.

Many of the higher-end feats presented here require an action point expenditure to use, and might require a bit of modification if your home campaign doesn't use action points. Adding an additional feat prerequisite, or requiring additional skill ranks go a long way to balancing these 'superheroic' feats without requiring a limited resource like action points for game balance. The majority of the feats here were designed to provide better, more entertaining options for mid and high level players.

Inspired by videogames, movies and everything from Greek mythology to Jack Kirby comics, these feats are designed to give every D&D character class and archetype some neat new tricks to bring to next weeks game. *OK, sixteen of them are variant PHP feats, so sue me. ;-)

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