Martial Arts Guidebook (PFRPG)

by Rite Publishing

Rite Publishing



Tags: best of Feats Magic Items Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Martial Arts Guidebook (PFRPG)

Martial Arts Guidebook (PFRPG)

Hey, you! Yeah, you with the swords!

You asked for nice things, and we listened...

Like a lovingly forged and carefully honed weapon, the Martial Arts Guidebook offers you the chance to employ 59 new martial arts-themed Techniques: methods for your characters to do something more on the battlefield. It also explores the use of arcane, ki, and grit points to perform awesome martial arts techniques. In addition, it brings you six detailed martial schools, complete with descriptions, adventure seeds, boons and associated NPCs – almost twenty personalities to fill out the ranks, along with new feats and new magical items, all with a combat bent.

Why should rogues and wizards get all the fun? This is about giving your game not only a lot of options for the battlefield, but creating martial organizations for your game world. You don’t have to just be former member of the guard or a retired military man, or a mercenary without a company. You can be part of a subcultures of warriors who band together in schools for exotic reasons and pursue evocative goals.

Crafted by the dedicated collective of Timothy Wallace, Matthew Stinson, William Senn, Mike Wice, Aaron Phelps and ENnie-award winner Ben McFarland, the Martial Arts Guidebook gives you something to strive towards, something to fight for, and a stylish sense of cinematic panache while you're at it.

Martial Arts Guidebook Back Cover

Martial Arts Guidebook interior art

Martial Arts Guidebook interior art

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