Lords of the Wild

by Dreamscarred Press

Dreamscarred Press



Tags: Archetypes Classes Fantasy Feats Magic Monsters/Enemies Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Races Spells Traits

Lords of the Wild

The full moon rises to the hungry greeting of howling wolves. For most adventurers, this is a warning to unsheathe silver weapons and prepare to battle against werewolves. But what if the adventurers are themselves werewolves? Transform your understanding of how werewolves fit into your campaign with Lords of the Wild, a new supplement for the Pathfinder RPG.

Lords of the Wild is a 28 page PDF which contains:

  • The werewolf template for player characters
  • Different aspects of lycanthropy and how to use it in your game
  • Werewolf-themed archetypes including the moonlight meditant, silverblade hunter, unshackled rager, and wild huntmaster
  • Three new prestige classes: the formless master, greater werewolf, and varsark
  • A werewolf racial trait
  • New feats, including the new Shifting type of feat
  • New werewolf-themed spells

Written by Anthony S. Altovilla and Patrick C. Miller, Lords of the Wild is for use with the Pathfinder RPG.

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