Lords of Gossamer & Shadow: Gossamer Heroes

by Rite Publishing

Rite Publishing



Tags: Diceless fantasy GM Tools

Lords of Gossamer & Shadow: Gossamer Heroes

Who will you be when you walk though the Door!

Lords of Gossamer and Shadow: Gossamer Heroes draws upon the nine example characters found in the core rules, beautifully illustrted in full-color by some of the industry's most talented freelancers, and supplemented by information graciously provided by our original gold patrons. This product presents them as 100 point Pre-Generated Characters or NPCs suitable for every GM's individual campaign. Each is crafted for balance in respect to build points and powers and it includes a printer-friendly version.

Most powers are represented (Warden of the Stair, Eidolon and Umbra Mastery, Wrighting, Invocation, and Sorcery), and no one character possesses more than two powers. This was an intentional design choice. These characters are fully capable but specifically tailored for new players who need only familiarize themselves with a few major game concepts in order to start their exciting adventures on the Grand Stair.

We are very happy with how they turned out and hope that you are too!

"'Lords of Gossamer & Shadow Design Team.

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