Lines Drawn in Blood (Hunter)

by The Dragons Trove

The Dragons Trove

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Tags: Shopify Collective The Dragons Trove

Lines Drawn in Blood (Hunter)

What lines are you willing to cross when you push back against the evil that walks among us? Lines Drawn in Blood presents a series of four stories that can be played individually or linked together to tell an entire chronicle.

Pressure Test: Ghostly incursions are far more than the weight of individual sorrow.

Outsiders: The residents of a small town break an ancient pact and pay the price.

Blur the Lines: Occult symbols at a murder scene drag Hunters into a race against time.

Alone in the Dark: Far from city lights, a nest of monsters pull the strings of a lonely northern town.

Lines Drawn in Blood is a story supplement for Hunter: The Reckoning, A Storytelling Game of Desperate Measures.