Labyrinth | Goblin King and Goblin City Copper Charm
Labyrinth | Goblin King and Goblin City Copper Charm
It's only forever, not long at all.
After following advice from a worm, have you found yourself lost at the center of the Labyrinth? Buying a chicken, baubles, a crust of bread, or dubious directions is a piece of cake with this coin. This exquisitely crafted piece features a portrait of the Goblin King. The spherical detail on Jareth’s collar expands into the border of each side of the coin. Perhaps each bubble holds a magical masquerade, perhaps it holds nothing tra-la-la.
The castle at the center of the Labyrinth stands on the other side of the coin, beyond the Goblin City complete with a few goblins hidden behind its walls.
31 grams of solid copper
- 1.55 in (3.93 cm) diameter
- Comes wrapped in a folded paper envelope sealed with wax seal
Your choice of charm or necklace. Necklace chain options will be included separately in your order if selected.
TM & © The Jim Henson Company/Labyrinth Enterprises. JIM HENSON’S mark & logo, LABYRINTH mark & logo, characters, and elements are trademarks of The Jim Henson Company. Motion Picture © 1986 Labyrinth Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.