Into the Wilds: Consumed

by Bloodstone Press

Bloodstone Press



Tags: Fantasy Monsters/Enemies Pathfinder 1e

Into the Wilds: Consumed

Into the Wilds: Consumed

The Consumed is a new monster for Pathfinder 1e.

As the jumble of putrefied blood, bits of flesh, and broken bones roils across the ground, those nearby fight a wave of nausea.

The threat of being eaten alive by a wild beast can lead a person to an act of desperation. An insane and particularly perverted entity from beyond the Void lurks in remote wilderness locations, waiting to take advantage of just such a situation. When the soon-to-be-eaten individual is at their most vulnerable, the demented being offers the terrified creature a bargain—an escape from death—but at a horrible price!

Though the threatened creature is spared from death, it is transformed into a consumed. A consumed is an unrecognizable mass of torn flesh and broken body parts that must undulate along the ground rather than walk upright. The consumed loses its ability to speak and is cursed with an unquenchable hunger. For the rest of its days, the consumed roams the wilderness seeking to abate its accursed hunger with whatever unfortunate creature crosses its path

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