Imaginary Friends

by High Rock Press

High Rock Press



Tags: HERO System Super-Hero

Imaginary Friends

Imaginary Friends is an adventure for the Hero System/ Champions 6th Edition and Savage Worlds in which invisible playmates come to life with deadly consequences. As much a long-term campaign supplement as an adventure, it features a set of strategies and events using the characters and depicting forces at work, rather than a completely linear narrative.

You'll meet an entertaining array of sinister and unique characters who will engage roleplayers in tests of combat and the mind unlike anything you've seen before! I know you've probably heard that before once or twice, but I really mean it. Every playtest of this adventure has been fantastic, be it rules light or rules heavy.

We hope you'll be pleased and surprised at what you find inside the pages of Imaginary Friends. It's a very different sort of gaming experience.

What's inside:

  • A full super-villain team. (It wouldn't be nearly as cool an adventure if there wasn't a full super-villain team in it)
  • Villains opposing other villains!
  • A vast array of map locations that are easily reusable in any modern setting!
  • The groundwork for an easy to expand evil secret organization!
  • A sinister master mind!
  • A lesser master mind!
  • An agent-level mastermind!
  • Absolutely no mimes (or Master Mimes) whatsoever!

It is written by legendary Champions adventure designer Michael Satran, author of such works as Foxbat for President, War of Worldcraft, Unkindness, Pretty Hate Machines, and King of the Mountain.

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