Icons of Parsantium

by Ondine Publishing

Ondine Publishing



Tags: 13th Age GM Tools Monsters/Enemies Player Aids Races

Icons of Parsantium

Icons of Parsantium is a supplement for use with the 13th Age Roleplaying Game and Parsantium: City at the Crossroads, featuring the fifteen most influential NPCs in the city and the world beyond. These movers and shakers will also prove useful for GMs running Parsantium games using the 13th Age icon relationship rules with other incarnations of the world’s bestselling fantasy RPG – or indeed anyone using the setting.

“The blueprint for 13th Age campaigns set in a world of Byzantine intrigue" – Rob Heinsoo

The influential NPCs described in depth throughout the book include the rulers of kingdoms, powerful priests, arcane and martial orders and their leaders, and monstrous beings, both malevolent and benign, including:

  • The wise Maharani of Sampur, daughter of a sun god and ruler of six kingdoms
  • The bloodthirsty Gnoll Khan of the Great Grass Sea
  • The devious Witch of Flotsam, fortune-teller to the nobility and priestess of a sinister cult
  • The vanara Grand Master of the Blue Lotus, enigmatic leader of the world's greatest arcanists' guild.
  • The rakshasa Rajah, frozen in ice at the peak of the Pillar of Heaven Mountains and plotting his return to rule the city once more.

Your player characters can ally with or work against the machinations of these icons, thereby driving the story of your campaign in interesting new directions.

This 45 page PDF contains:

  • Double page descriptions for each icon
  • New PC races – the gnoll and the vanara
  • Five pages of icon relationship dice results and adventure hooks
  • Secret Knowledge for the GM
  • Lands of Parsantium map by top fantasy cartographer Jared Blando
  • Foreword by 13th Age designer Rob Heinsoo

Written by Richard Green, author of Parsantium: City at the Crossroads and the Midgard Bestiary for 4th Edition D&D (Kobold Press), and featuring cover art by Joe Shawcross.

About Parsantium

Parsantium is a melting pot, a cosmopolitan city where trade routes meet and great cultures collide. Inspired by real-life Byzantium with its rich Greco-Roman heritage, the setting is packed with characters, monsters and magic from the Tales of the Arabian Nights, ancient India and the Far East, alongside traditional medieval fantasy elements.

Parsantium BREATHES authenticity and love – New York City meets Byzantium, modern metropolis meets swords & sorcery – this book actually manages to portray a believable, interesting, unique city that oozes the spirit of Al Qadim, early weird fiction and recent phenomena like the god of war-series, all while staying believable.” – Endzeitgeist

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