Hypercorps 2099: Thrillville or Killville? (5E)
Hypercorps 2099: Thrillville or Killville? (5E)
Hypercorps 2099: Thrillville or Killville? (5e)

A malicious computer virus has infiltrated Thrillville, the Hypernet’s premier theme park. Those leaving the park find themselves permanently changed for the worse with symptoms that range from malignant depression to catatonia or in some cases, death. Digilife© has been forced to pay out medical fees and thus far their own security measures have been totally inadequate in rooting out the virulent code. With little choice left they are reaching out to freelance operators, hoping that gumption and expertise can prevail where hypercorporate might could not.
This adventure occurs entirely in the Hypernet, the ultimate evolution of the internet in Hypercorps 2099. For the purposes of game mechanics, the Hypernet (and servers on the Hypernet, like Thrillville) are treated as other planes of existence. While this brings with it a host of changes (see page 4), it also means that the race, gender, and attributes of the PCs have absolutely no bearing whatsoever on their appearance—their avatar can appear however they wish (or simply how the character looks in real life), though this appearance has no bearing on actual statistics, as users can quickly determine the actual boundaries of another visible user without difficulty.
In the 22-page Thrillville or Killville? adventure module you’ll find:
- Planar traits for both the Hypernet and Thrillville.
- A meeting in the Veranthea: Life & Death MMORPG server to kick things off, guidelines for breaking into the Thrillville server, encounters with the theme park’s rides, a final confrontation with the Thrillvirus, and the repercussions of the operator’s successful mission
- The unbound proxy, arcade console, and Thrillvirus monsters
- A map for the Thrillville Park Grounds and Thrillville Arcade, both with Player and GM versions
- Pregenerated Character: Dorian Gray, “The Grayman”, a monk meganaut and exactly who you think he is
- Pregenerated Character: Jintz Pearingleaf, “Technomage”, a sorcerer savant that made the leap from being a thing of code to an elf of flesh
- Pregenerated Character: Ezdrahkul Leadhand, “Oldhat EZ”, a rogue parallel that’s become a seasoned operator on the Hypernet over decades of successful missions
- Pregenerated Character: Vansa Proudwit, “Spaz the Freehacker”, a parallel netjacker that’s taken up clandestine work to pay her bills in the megametropolis of Neo York
- A brief primer on the finished rules for using Hero Points and Cinematic Crescendoes in Hypercorps 2099
If you aren’t positive this exciting new Fifth Edition supplement is for you, download free preview PDFs of Hypercorps 2099 to see what amazing things await you within this deluxe tome.
Dive into the future with all the grit, fervor, and intensity you can offer for the operation ahead—there are bytecoins to be made, prestige to acquire, and power to be won!
Note: Thrillville or Killville? occurs on the Hypernet and GMs are encouraged to download the free Hypercorps 2099: Hypernet PDF to familiarize themselves with the digital landscape.