Foreven Worlds: Fessor Subsector (Traveller)

by Jon Brazer Enterprises

Jon Brazer Enterprises



Tags: GM Tools Location Player Aids sci-fi Setting Traveller

Foreven Worlds: Fessor Subsector (Traveller)

Beyond the Third Imperium's borders and in the shadow of the Zhodani Consulate lies the subsector of Fessor. Brutal warlords and savage space pirates take what they can while agents of major powers ply their trade in secret. With danger lurking behind every asteroid, how will you change lives? Will you seek your fortune or topple a dictator bent on domination? Will you wage a war or stop one? Will you bring peace at the point of a gun or by spreading ideas? Only you can decide.

Foreven Worlds: Fessor Subsector is an 11 page supplement for Traveller. Inside you will find:

  • details of worlds and the people that make their way in this lawless region of space,
  • a detailed map of the subsector, showing political boundaries, locations of bases and much more,
  • and plot hooks for you to create your own campaign.

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