Files for Everybody: Trickster Spells

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: Fantasy Magic Pathfinder 2e Spells

Files for Everybody: Trickster Spells

By Thilo Graf

Welcome to Files for Everybody, a Third-Party Pathfinder Second Edition product series brought to you by Everybody Games. We know how tough it is to get everybody together around the table, so we try to provide you exactly the content you need to keep everybody excited and invested in your Pathfinder Second Edition campaign. From new classes to class feats, archetypes to skill feats, spells to rituals, ancestries and monsters, and much more, Everybody Games has what you need to get everyone gaming! In Files for Everybody, each file focuses on a specific topic, whether it be new feats, a new class, a new ancestry, or something else entirely. We want it to be easy to navigate each File, and keep our content simple to use and rewarding to master. Regardless of topic, we believe that every issue in our Files for Everybody series is something special and wonderful, no matter how small, and hopefully after this issue you’ll feel the same!

In this File, Trickster Spells! A half-dozen brand-new spells designed to help you out-maneuver even the canniest enemies. Create replicas of yourself that dart every witch way and swap places at your beck and call with shell game, or completely reforge your weapons with bonus traits using trickster’s weaponcraft. Maximize the destructive power of your magic with spell trickster or provide allies or foes with healing that’s literally all in their head with trickster’s beacon. Also included is a new theme, the tricky mage, that’s perfect for aspiring eldritch tricksters.

Get everybody gaming with Everybody Games.

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