Ursined, Sealed and Delivered (PFRPG)

by Frog God Games

Frog God Games



Tags: adventure fantasy low-level Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Ursined, Sealed and Delivered (PFRPG)

Note: This is the Pathfinder version.

One of the One Night Stands series, Ursined, Sealed & Delivered is a newly written adventure module for parties of 4-6 adventurers, levels 3-5 and it's a truly unique window into the early days of the game. The module is written by Dennis Sustare, the designer and author of the original Druid class that has become a key character class in virtually every fantasy game ever written since 1978. Almost no editing has been applied to Dennis's text, although the tournament format has been shifted around to be more easily used during play. The result is an adventure that's a direct window into the imagination of one of the greatest figures of fantasy gaming.

In addition to being written by Dennis Sustare, the module has cover artwork contributed by Paul Jaquays, who is also one of the great figures of fantasy gaming art. This new artwork sees the return of Paul's unique style, which will be instantly recognizable by those who gamed during the seventies and early eighties; it is an iconic, original vision of swords & sorcery that has not been seen on the cover of a module for decades. We're proud to be able to bring a new piece of Jaquays art to younger gamers who may never have seen examples of it before. He portrays a world that is stark and fierce, more visceral than art based on high fantasy, with the sort of rough-edged heroes who inhabit the fiction of sword & sorcery's earlier days, before the world-shaking influence of J.R.R. Tolkien rearranged the foundations of the genre at every conceivable level.

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