Feats of Legend: 30 Fey Feats
Feats of Legend: 30 Fey Feats
Feats of Legend: 30 Fey Feats

Wield the powers of the elder fey! Inside this edition of Feats of Legend is 30 new fey-themed feats. These feats are designed for use with any character looking to use the powers of the seelie courts, be them fey-blooded sorcerers, half-fey, elves or wild adventurers.
Inside, you'll find awesome new feats like:
- Augmented Illusions
- Arrow Charm
- Blood-Soaked Cap
- Capricious Luck
- Changeling Raised
- Dreaming Jaunt
- Erlking's Blessing
- Fae Sight
- Faerie Godfather
- Faun's Fancy Tune
- Feyborn
- Feybane Fist
- First-World Blood
- Flesh of the First World
- Gift of the Tooth Fairy
- Gremlin's Luck
- Grig's Compulsion
- Jack's Grin
- Knowledge of the Old Ways
- Mercurial Mind
- Polluted Blood
- Seelie Presence
- Speak with Nature
- Strength of the Oaken Lords
- Strong-Willed Charmer
- Supernatural Metabolism
- Tricky Shifter
- Unearthly Fortune
- Unseelie Power
- Unseelie Side
Up your game with Feats of Legend!
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