Fantasy Firearms

by Skortched Urf' Studios

Skortched Urf' Studios



Tags: d20/OGL equipment fantasy

Fantasy Firearms

The gun is one of the most fascinating weapons in the history of mankind. It a weapon that is both glorified and vilified in art and literature. And it is a weapon that is conspicuous by its absence in the D20 rules. Some players feel that guns would be overpowering in a fantasy world. But in a fantasy setting, primitive guns are less powerful and less reliable than their modern counter-parts, and healing magic is abundant. The odds are good, however, that you're reading this because you are interested in using guns in your fantasy game. The approach in this PDF is a little different from the gun rules that are usually presented for a fantasy setting. Guns are not so difficult to use that only those who spend years training can handle one properly. And they are not so expensive that only kings can requisition them. A gun is simple enough for most anyone to use, and rare enough that the average barkeeper can't afford one, but the average adventurer can. Included in this PDF are: *Racial attitudes towards Black Powder and Guns. *Rules for Pistols & Muskets *Standard & Magical Ammunition *Variant Black Powder Weapons such as the Kracking Spear & Thunderhammer *Siege weapons such as Cannon's and the Dragon Ballista *New Rules, Feats, Spells & Magic Items

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