Event Horizon

by d20pfsrd.com Publishing

d20pfsrd.com Publishing



Tags: Adventure BONUS Sci-Fi Space Swords & Wizardry White Star

Event Horizon

Event Horizon - A White Star Adventure

Event Horizon is a 60-page first-level adventure for Barrel Rider Games’ White Star: White Box Science Fiction Roleplaying.

This adventure takes place in a hard science/space horror genre and, as such, the adventure assumes that the players are playing human characters who would fit into this style of setting. While a low-level adventure, Event Horizon is not an easy adventure and is designed to be difficult. Death is probable, insanity even more so.

The players face a wide variety of problems in this adventure, ranging from the mundane—typical combat encounters, repairing the ship, etc.—to dealing with the insanity-causing rifts in time and space, and confronting old personal horrors and memories. Due to the limits placed on the players, and in keeping the adventure human- and hard horror/science-centric, a few new options have been added to the available rules and are strongly, but optionally, encouraged.

Original Concept John Reyst
Adventure Design Johua De Santo
Layout Johua De Santo
Editing Tim Snider
Cartography Tim Hartin

White Star is a trademark of James M. Spahn and is Used with permission under the White Star Compatibility Licence.

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