Equipment Maker #10 - Cocktails

by Ennead Games

Ennead Games



Tags: Any system cocktail generator

Equipment Maker #10 - Cocktails

Equipment Maker #10 - Cocktails
What you drinking tonight?

Drinks are, for many, but not all people, something to help them relax. Cocktails are one such beverage. A cocktail is often defined as an alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or spirits mixed with other ingredients.

Not all of these are alcoholic either because some people, for various reasons will not or cannot consume alcoholic beverages.

Some names may be innocent-sounding and hit like a brick when consumed, and others are the opposite and sound extremely dangerous but have zero % alcohol.

This PDF gives you a way of coming up with a recipe for a cocktail, using real-world ingredients, whilst in your game, a certain ingredient might be called something else.

Inside you find tables that cover...

  • Base
  • Mixer
  • Flavouring/Texture
  • Garnish
  • Juice/Fruit
  • Amount/Size/Ratio of ingredients
  • Order
  • Mix Method
  • Container
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