Empire Builder Kit - Street & Road Names

by Ennead Games

Ennead Games



Tags: Any system Fantasy GM Tools Street Names

Empire Builder Kit - Street & Road Names

Empire Builder Kit - Street & Road Names

Empire Builder Kit - Street & Road Names

When a settlement starts to develop beyond a few houses by a path, the matter of knowing where something is becomes important. Is the building you are after on the main street or the one of the other path? If you don’t know which one you may have a problem.

This is where the Street & Road Names generator can help. It provides you a quick and simple way of naming the street, plus gives you some details if you wish to use it with a bit more accuracy. Why it is called that name is up to you.

A small disclaimer – Be aware that the results you get from this system will resemble an English/British-style naming convention. Other countries naming system may be more suitable for your needs, but are not covered in this publication.


  • 20 Prefix tables, each with 15+ sub entries for the start of your street/road name
  • 20 entries on the quick/simple table for the most common roads found in virually all settlements
  • a d100 suffix table that gives you the type of pathway, such as road, street and many others
  • A glossary of all the suffixs used if you want to use them with a bit more accuracy, or siply want to know what a Boulevard is.
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